Hair Care Services

Our hair is prone to different damages in daily life. Bleaching, perming, and coloring bring great harm to hair. In order to achieve the desired hair color or form, the above chemical processes destroy the protein structure in your hair core. If your hair is not properly handled with care after bleaching and coloring, the hair core will lose its support and elasticity and will no longer be strong and bouncy. At the same time, the scaly surface of your hair will be uneven and your hair will have knots and be difficult to comb. 

HealthyPro provides various kinds of hair care services like organic hair restructuring to take care of all hair types, which helps you maintain a balance between stylish and healthy.

OPC Organic INCA Hair Restructuring

OPC Porosity Equaliser Treatment

Hair Care Real Cases

OPC Organic INCA Hair Restructuring

Before After
Before After
Before After
Before After
Before After

Hair Mask

Natural and Organic Hair Mask
  1. 勤洗頭:建議大家每一至兩天便洗一次頭,以免污垢堆積於頭皮膚上,影響頭皮膚健康。但如果你每天都會使用造型產品,例如髮泥、頭髮噴霧等,就應每天洗頭選擇適合你的洗頭水,避免造型產品長時間停留在頭皮膚及頭髮上。
  2. 使用護髮素:建議洗頭後要使用護髮素。洗頭水pH值偏鹼性,護髮素的作用係平衡洗頭水嘅pH值,並且將頭髮鱗狀表層撫平,避免毛燥和開叉,令頭髮更順滑,亦可以避免頭髮因拉扯而脫落。但緊記市面上大部分護髮素都不可以接觸頭皮膚,因為部分化學物質會堵塞毛囊,導致脫髮。按此進行頭皮大測試
  3. 使用髮膜:髮膜的功用是可從內修復受損的髮絲,如想加強滋潤毛躁髮質,可購買家用沖洗式髮膜。但注意早前消委會檢測出市面上很多髮膜都含有香料致敏物,可造成頭皮膚敏感。如使用後出現頭皮膚痕癢、頭皮紅腫等症狀,就應立刻停止使用。購買髮膜前可先留意產品標籤,避免傷害頭皮膚。按此了解天然Be Pure髮膜
  4. 正確吹頭:洗頭後記得把頭髮完全吹乾。濕氣會令頭皮膚滋生細菌,增加脫髮風險。如果想避免頭髮受風筒熱風傷害,可以吹頭前使用隔熱噴霧,保護頭髮。隔熱噴霧可形成保護膜,讓秀髮免受日曬、運動、池水的傷害。按此了解如何正確吹頭
  5. 使用頭皮爽膚水:建議使用爽膚水護膚,可幫助肌膚控油,更好地吸收後續護膚品。其實頭皮爽膚水的原理一樣,可以幫助平衡油脂,改善頭皮屑及敏感問題。每天使用可保養頭皮膚健康。按此查看OPC產品
  1. 使用溫和的洗髮水和護髮素:選擇適合你髮質和頭皮狀態的洗髮水和護髮素。優質的產品能夠溫和清潔頭髮,同時提供必要的滋潤和保護。
  2. 適量洗髮:避免過度洗髮,以免去除頭髮的天然油脂,使其變乾且易斷。一般來說,每週洗髮2-3次是適宜的。
  3. 溫和按摩頭皮:在洗髮時輕柔按摩頭皮,這有助於促進血液循環,刺激頭髮生長,同時清潔頭皮。
  4. 避免過熱的水溫:儘量避免使用過熱的水洗頭,因為高溫會剝奪頭髮的天然保濕,使其變乾燥易斷。
  5. 使用適合的梳子:選擇寬齒梳或天然毛刷,這樣能減少頭髮斷裂和靜電,同時梳理頭髮時要輕柔,避免過度拉扯。
  6. 避免過度使用熱工具:過度使用吹風機、捲髮棒、直髮器等熱工具會對頭髮造成傷害。盡量減少使用,並使用熱護髮產品提供保護。
  7. 適當保濕:使用護髮油、髮膜或深層護理產品定期滋潤頭髮,保持充足的水分,防止乾燥和斷裂。
  8. 飲食均衡:飲食中的營養也對頭髮健康起著重要作用。確保攝取足夠的蛋白質、維生素和礦物質,這些有助於頭髮的生長和強健。
  9. 減少壓力:壓力可能對頭髮造成負面影響。盡量保持放鬆,運動、冥想、良好的睡眠等能有效減輕壓力。
  10. 避免過度染燙:過度的染髮和燙髮會使頭髮變得脆弱易斷,盡量減少使用化學染髮和燙髮產品,或選擇較溫和的染髮方式。
Styling, bleaching and coloring can damage the health of your and cause split ends and dryness. If your hair is severely damaged, you should stop bleaching and do regular treatments to restore the keratin structure and moisture in order to restore the strength of the hair and repair the scaly surface before bleaching again. It is also recommended to use hair care products such as OPC's Blow Dry Kit, and switch to conditioners with higher moisturizing levels to maintain the health of the hair daily.
Hair porosity is divided into three categories: high, medium and low. Different levels of porosity distinguish the hair quality as well as the ability of hair to absorb moisture. Hair tends to become highly porous and easy to break after bleaching. High porosity hair is easy to absorb moisture but also easy to lose it, so deep moisturizing and treatments that repair and rebuild protein structure of hair care are much needed. Low porosity hair looks healthy, but it is comparatively harder to absorb moisture and lacks volume. People with low porosity should focus on deep cleaning to wash away residue that wraps around the surface of hair.
"Vegan OK" products do not extract any ingredients from animals, including honey, dairy products etc. They are also not tested on animals and the production process does not harm the ecological environment. However, it should be noted that not all "Vegan OK" products are healthy. If the products include natural ingredients, "Vegan OK" is a factor that makes the product better, but if the product is 100% chemically developed and claims itself as "Vegan OK", customers should think twice before purchase.
A lot of people experience this problem after bleaching their hair. As the hair cuticles are damaged and hair becomes highly porous after bleaching, it tends to absorb a lot of moisture and takes more time to dry out. It is recommended to use Protective Spray and Silk Potion Cream before blowing your hair to avoid damage by hot wind and keep your hair soft and shiny.
This is a misunderstanding of using conditioners. The mentioned case happens as when you wash your hair with shampoo, the hair falls out due to pulling, but it does not wash away the shed hair. When you use conditioner, the lubricating effect washes away the shed hair, giving you the illusion that hair conditioners are causing you to lose hair.
Hair Loss可能有多種原因,包括遺傳、壓力、營養不良、荷爾蒙變化、染髮或燙髮過程中的損傷等。按此了解我們的Anti Hair Loss
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